Pacific Bridge Media and Consulting, Inc. (PBMC, headquartered in Tokyo; CEO, Toshi Maeda) announces starting in October 2024, it will begin distributing articles from Tokyo Updates. This bilingual online web magazine, operated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, reports on the unique innovations and attractions of Tokyo in both Japanese and English. PBMC will feature selected articles on its solutions-focused platform, J-Stories.
Tokyo Updates is a media outlet providing in-depth insights into the latest innovations, developments, and initiatives—from lifestyle trends to advanced SDGs—shaping Tokyo as a leading global city. J-Stories will curate articles from Tokyo Updates that highlight problem-solving and showcase innovative solutions emerging from Tokyo.
Comment from Toshi Maeda, executive editor of J-Stories and CEO of PBMC:
"There are many outstanding innovations from Japan that have the potential to address global issues. However, what may be still lacking seems to be disseminating such information overseas and informing non-Japanese speaking audiences of such innovations and potential solutions that are available.
We believe it is our mission to bridge this cross-border information gap. As globalization progresses, supporting Japanese companies, organizations, and startup communities in their outreach to international audiences will become increasingly important.
We are pleased to announce that J-Stories will publish articles from Tokyo Updates. By utilizing our existing global content distribution network and startup support activities, we aim to strengthen our presence as a media outlet open to both corporate society and local communities, ultimately contributing to the resolution of not only local but also global challenges."

Click here for the Japanese version of the article.